It’s one of our core philosophies to be nice. There have been so many instances in our careers when being the nice agent has really paid off. Such was the case a few weeks ago in a multiple offer situation. The sellers unexpectedly received multiple offers and decided to add a 4 day review period to give them some space to think, as well as the opportunity to get even more offers (FYI, this can sometimes backfire on a seller and it tends to make buyers and their agents quite upset). The listing agent had her share of unhappy calls from the other buyers’ agents, but not from us — we stayed cool as cucumbers and nice as ice. Our buyers visited the sellers, established good rapport with them and wrote a great letter to them. When it came time for the sellers to look at all of the offers, we ended up being quite a bit lower than the best one. The agent called us and said that we were “nice to work with” and the sellers liked our cute couple and would offer us the home if we could come up on price just a little bit. We weren’t the highest, nor were our terms the best, but we won because of the human connection! Sales and negotiations are an emotional process and the intangible human factors are always in play. This was a huge victory for us and another validation of the phrase “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”