Experience and intuition are two of the most important aspects of being a real estate professional. We’ve predicted the winning price of a couple of listings that our clients made offers on in the past couple of weeks, but we also had to help them decide if those properties were WORTH winning. In this market, there is more than just 1 big number to consider. The data can show us what a property should reasonably sell for. On top of that, our experience and connections help us to stay on top of what has recently been happening that may not be included in the sold data. Further, our intuition guides our clients to the price range that we *think* a certain property will sell for. Lastly, we consult with our clients to help them decide if a certain property is worth the price they may have to pay to win it. Putting together a good offer takes a lot of strategy, but it’s also fun and rewarding to help our buyers get to the finish line!