Be nice and increase your chances of winning!

With all that’s been happening around the world, in the news and in politics, it would neither be difficult nor unreasonable to feel like discussions in general have become less civil and more emotionally charged. Real estate negotiations are no exception.  We’ve won...

Quick and Easy Privacy Glass

Do you have windows in your garage, shed or basement that you’d like to have some privacy for without losing some of the natural light? Try using a frosted glass spray.  Rustoleum and Krylon make an easy-to-use product that will help you add some privacy to these...

Keeping the Standards High

On Humility and Contentment. The period of time after the housing market crash of 2008 was especially tough for everyone involved in the industry:  Realtors; mortgage lenders (at least the rates dropped and they had a refinance boom!); home inspectors; title/escrow...

Is a property in the ID a good investment?

There are neighborhoods in the city that have yet to witness the record-breaking levels of value appreciation.  One such area is the Chinatown/ID neighborhood. While there aren’t many houses in this area, there are condos, and when compared to nearby areas like Cap...